After three years, Meat is finally getting the cover update it deserves. I’ve worked with a graphic designer in order to finally get it into shape.
Doing your own covers is all well and good, but when you start to approach bookstores and talk to the owners, you soon see that perhaps your covers are not quite up to the standard they should be.
Covers are a tricky thing. As writers, we are often too eager to show how unique our work is via the medium of our cover artwork, but let me ask you this – have you ever gone and looked at all the top-selling covers in the book charts? And did you see anything that stood out? Probably not. So why is that?
Well, it’s because readers are not looking for stand-out covers. Readers need comfort. Readers need more of the same. And while I might not exactly have done that with my new covers, I have toned down all the crazy fonts and went for something much more minimalist.
So here we are: Meat, the debut novel, all decked out in its new finery:
I like it. I also like the new cover for the sequel to Meat – my second novel, Notes from a Cannibalist:
Yep. Lookin smart.
Updates forthcoming about bookstores stocking my work across Scotland.